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Chocolate Chip Cookies Anyone?

Chocolate Chip Cookies, Anyone? is an easy read for young children to help them understand and celebrate adoption! Follow the story of Bri & Summer as they learn why they are so special to their families. The book also offers the opportunity for readers to process their feelings and their own experiences with adoption through journaling and drawing.

Shop: Welcome

I Am A Masterpiece

Masterpiece: a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship; something done or made with exceptional skill. You Are a Masterpiece! You’re not just any masterpiece. You are GOD’S masterpiece. He made you unique, gifted, talented, and amazing. And, guess what? No matter what your life looks like, you will always be God’s Masterpiece. This workbook was made to help you see how amazing you are. It is filled with fun activities that you can do alone or with friends, family, or an adult. Grab some coloring pencils, a pen, or some markers and have fun with your I Am a Masterpiece Workbook!

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Shop: Welcome

Adoption, It's Worth It!

A practical self-help guide on how to explain adoption to your precious one (birth to 5 years of age). This self-help guide provides special features for readers such as a note section, and practical tips for parents.

Shop: About
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